Monday, 27 November 2017


We are going to learn about:
- The Earth's different climates and why these differences happen.
- The climate in Spain.
- How human activity contributes to climate change.

Climate refers to the general weather conditions we can expect in particular geographical areas over a long period of time (about 30 years). Around the world, there are different climates, which affect the lives of people, animals and plants.
It is different from weather, which just describes the conditions for a few hours.

It is the state of atmosphere in a specific place and time. it depends on:

  • air temperature
  • humidity levels
  • precipitation
  • wind
  • atmospheric pressure

THERMOMETER measures the air temperature. Most thermometers are closed glass tubes containing liquids such as alcohol or mercury. When air around the tube heats the liquid, the liquid expands and moves up the tube. A scale then shows what the actual temperature is.
An ANEMOMETER measures wind speed. The cups catch the wind, turning a dial attached to the instrument. The dial shows the wind speed.
A HYGROMETER measures the water vapor content of air or the humidity.RAIN GAUGE measures the amount of rain that has fallen over a specific time period.
WIND VANE is an instrument that determines the direction from which the wind is blowing.
BAROMETER measures air pressure. It tells you whether or not the pressure is rising or falling. A rising barometer means sunny and dry conditions, while a falling barometer means stormy and wet conditions. An Italian scientist named Torricelli built the first barometer in 1643.

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